ISO 50001 Energy Management
The load and charging management system, certified to ISO 50001, guarantees users optimal energy management with maximum efficiency.

ISO 27001 Information Security
With ISO 27001 certification, Juice provides proof of information security and data protection. Clear guidelines, regular updates and a regulated authorization system continuously improve protection against external threats.

ISO 20400 standard for sustainable procurement
Juice is committed to promoting cooperation with suppliers who act sustainably in social, ecological and economic aspects. Long-term partnerships ensure the quality of the goods and offer planning security for everyone involved.

ISO 37301 Compliance Management
ISO 37301 requires Juice managers and employees to act in accordance with the rules. This includes risk assessment and continuous process improvement through appropriate measures.

ISO 14001 environmental management standard
ISO 14001 confirms that Juice not only produces in an environmentally conscious manner, but that this attitude is also lived at all levels of the company.

ISO 9001 Quality Management
Juice is committed to quality assurance in accordance with ISO 9001. Customer satisfaction is to be further increased through permanent analysis and continuous improvement of all operational processes according to the PDCA cycle (Plan – Implement – Check – Act).

ISO/SAE21434 "Road vehicles – Cybersecurity engineering" Risk management in vehicle development
ISO/SAE 21434 makes cybersecurity part of vehicle development: from components to software to the entire supply chain. The highest standards of the automotive industry are also applied to Juice's charging infrastructure.

ACTIVATE 2022 Packaging Management
Effective packaging management includes collecting, sorting and recycling product packaging. By saving raw materials and recycling, Juice contributes to environmental protection.

WEEE Disposal of electrical and electronic equipment
As a WEEE licensed company, Juice is committed to recovering, reusing and recycling products. Recycling ensures that the amount of WEEE that is incinerated or sent to landfill is reduced.

Best Places to Work
Juice has once again won the “Best Places to Work Award”. The spirit of innovation can only emerge in a motivating work environment where there is a stimulating, challenging atmosphere and where the commitment and performance of employees are recognized.

GreenTech Award
The GreenTech Award goes to companies that have distinguished themselves through extraordinary innovative achievements in one of eight technology fields with environmental and climate protection relevance. The patent serves as an objective "unit of measurement". Juice was awarded in the transportation category.

Electricar reader survey
First place for Juice among charging cable manufacturers. Well over 10,000 votes were cast in a reader survey by Electricar magazine, which selected five of the most popular manufacturers, services and apps from the world of electric cars in 16 categories.

That's not all
The awards and certifications for individual products can be found on the respective product page. Enjoy discovering!